Has anyone ever told you that you're very cynical and more than slightly overdramatic? I'm not talking about destiny. I meant you needed a challenge, like bowling.


Shadow: You deserve the truth.
Marguerite: The truth doesn't get me out of bed in the morning. It doesn't do my job, or take Leon to school or hockey practice or sleepovers, so don't fuckin' preach to me about the truth!

When the cops terrorize people like us, then they become the bad guys.


Shadow, my boy. You've always wanted a normal life. Now you can have it. Your obligation to me has been fulfilled. I'm proud of the man you've become.


The truth is, I've always been somewhat of a scumbag, but when the lord of all scumbags asked me to do his dirty work, I realized how far I'd fallen.


So, you don't trust the guy who refused to kill you, but you fell in love with the guy who did?


Shadow: What are you?
Tyr: I am a god of justice, bringing divine retribution down upon your father.

Odin, find me a Wolf's Den with the son you hold most dear.


Shadow: I didn't have anyone I could talk to; you have me.
Cordelia: And you are what, exactly?
Shadow: I don't know. The jury's still out now.

Shadow: I wouldn't count on Cordelia as a travel companion, OK, and I'm definitely not going to just drop everything here to get on the road with you again.
Wednesday: Because you have met someone.
Shadow: I don't know what your little birds have told you.
Wednesday: What I have learned is that cruel fate gives us few opportunities to totally connect with the soul of another.

Salim: Back in my country, I was an excellent businessman. Allow me to negotiate the terms and conditions.
Laura: Uh, just out of curiosity, were assassination attempts your specialty?
Salim: No, of course not. But in Aman, a verbal contract is binding, and from everything I see here, it's the same with gods. Once the terms are set, they cannot be undone. Now is not the time to be impulsive.
Laura: Impulsive? Because I know what I want? This is not Oman, Salim. In America, women can drive cars. They even let us vote, and some of us can negotiate our own fuckin' deals.

Odin: I should have stayed.
Demeter: Well, it was easier for me to hate you than it was to mourn our child.

American Gods Quotes

It's like one of those good/news bad news jokes, isn't it? The good news is, we'are lettin' you out early. The bad news is your wife's dead.


Shadow, we're going to be releasin' you later this afternoon. You'll be gettin' out a coupla days early. There's no good way to say this, so I'll put it plain. This came in from Johnson City Hospital from Eagle point. Your wife, she died in the early hours of this morning. It was ah, an automobile accident.
