Mr. Bishop: You came in late today. Again. And now you're dozing off in meetings?
Diana: I haven't been getting much sleep at night.
Mr. Bishop: Is this conversation amusing you?
Diana: No sir. I'm just happy to be here.

Diana: You think I could have fixed this for you?
Kathleen: Yes! You could have told me.
Diana: You wouldn't have believed me because you already knew it was true.
Kathleen: What? I didn't know!
Diana: Yes, you did. How many times did you complain that the sex was disappointing? How many times did he have a last minute meeting that kept him out half the night? You knew. You just didn't do anything about it.

Dude: Can I have your number?
Diana: Why do you want my number?
Dude: Because I want to see you again.
Diana: [kisses him passionately] Get out of my car.

Steve: What's that?
Adam: It's a gift. For Jessica.
Bonnie: Adam, you didn't have to do that.
Steve: A present? You don't even look like you could afford a present.
Bonnie: Steven, that's enough.
Steve: What? I'm not the only one in the room thinking that right now. Jessica, does Adam give nice presents?
Jessica: I don't know. This is my first one.

Adam: I want Jessica to open it.
Steve: Angus, what you want in this house doesn't really matter, does it? Besides, the suspense is killing me. [holds up painting and snickers]
Jessica: Wow! Is that me?
Adam: Your mom told me that you like stars. Do you like it?
Jessica: Yes, I do. I like it a lot!
Steve: Don't be stupid, honey. It doesn't even look like you.
Becca: Don't talk to her like that, Dad.
Steve: Don't sass back to me like that; do you understand?
Becca: She's just a kid.
Steve: And so are you!

Bonnie: What the hell are you doing?
Steve: I'm just expressing my opinion. I think this looks like shit.
Adam: I just paint what I feel, man. I painted Jessica's innocence and, and her wonder because that's what's beautiful about her, alright? The rest isn't important.
Steve: That's just a bunch of bullshit covering up an even bigger lack of talent.

Steve: I won't be asking you to paint me, Angus, no offense.
Adam: That's cool. I'd probably paint a lot of things you wouldn't like.
Steve: Like what?
Adam: I'd paint you melting into the background, Steve. That fading man. I'd make you a ghost.
Steve: You're gonna take my place, are ya?
Adam: I don't know, but somebody will.

This isn't fair. You didn't tell me who you really were, so I didn't get the chance to decide if I really loved you. You didn't give me a choice. You just decided for me. Who gave you that right?


American Woman Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Diana: You think I could have fixed this for you?
Kathleen: Yes! You could have told me.
Diana: You wouldn't have believed me because you already knew it was true.
Kathleen: What? I didn't know!
Diana: Yes, you did. How many times did you complain that the sex was disappointing? How many times did he have a last minute meeting that kept him out half the night? You knew. You just didn't do anything about it.

Mr. Bishop: You came in late today. Again. And now you're dozing off in meetings?
Diana: I haven't been getting much sleep at night.
Mr. Bishop: Is this conversation amusing you?
Diana: No sir. I'm just happy to be here.