Tobias: Here's to our acting addiction!
DeBrie: Yep.
Tobias: May we never be cured!
DeBrie: You should never give up a dream if you can write scripts!

I'm sorry, Mother. It's just, I've got a bit of a stick up my bunghole about what I've now found is a running joke about me. But let's be honest. For 2,000 rupees we'd both go down on Matthew McConaughey.


Tobias: Well, you look like I feel.
Gob: Gay?

Tobias: Everyone thinks I'm gay?
Lindsay: I mean, it's kind of a running the family.

Is there a little girl here all by herself?


Michael: Oh my God. I'm dating Ron Howard's girlfriend.
Narrator: Actually, she's his daughter. But that's kind of worse, don't you think?

Ron Howard: You're the father.
Michael: But that would make my son the son.

Michael: Oh, gosh, no no no. My wife died years before any...any of this.
Ron Howard: Oh gee. I think it's a lot more fun if we see her die.

Now, I don't know if you know this about me, but most of my movies are based on still photographs that I find truly inspiring.

Ron Howard

Ron Howard: [to potential Opie] Hey, nice try little mister!
Ron Howard: [to his staff] We're never going to beat the original.

Barry Zuckerkorn: Ooooo! And that's what we call a law-bomb!
Attorney: That's a low blow, Loblaw.
Bob Loblaw: A Bob Loblaw Law Bomb!

Do you want me to tell him to go f*** himself? I can tell Row Howard to go f*** himself.

Barry Zuckerkorn

Arrested Development Quotes

Um, I forget their name, but I know they're hungry. I think some are thirsty.


(talking about the money their fund-raiser brought in) Well, most of that money was from the Bluth Company. I mean, how ...
(Michael looks surprised) ... are you?
