When it's just the two of us, he's asking about my day, making me dinner, trying to talk about sports, being nothing but nice to me. I can't stop thinking I wish I had her instead of him. What kind of person looks someone in the eye, someone who's trying so hard, and wishes they were dead instead of someone else.


Every time he smiles at me, every time he hugs me and says he loves me. I'm afraid he's gonna see that I didn't choose him.


You were tossing and turning last night. Did you have a bad dream?


Hannah: I just don't understand how it's so easy for you.
Britten: It's not that it's easy for me. I, just, they are things, they don't remind of him being gone or the accident. They remind me of him.

Maybe the fact that I see things differently allows me to know what questions to ask, what answers to focus on, it puts me in a better position to help.


Britten: Hey Rex.
Rex: Yeah?
Britten: Wear a helmet.
Rex: Okay. Thanks. Dad?
Britten: Yeah?
Rex: Do you want to see it?
Britten: Yeah, sure.

So, I'm monitoring him, he's fine.


Harper: You should have listened instead of taking out his whole family. It was insane.
Mysterious Man: We can debate the details all you want, but lets remember we were protecting you as much as anyone.

That's exactly what the other shrink said.


Britten: To her he's not still alive. Hearing about it, talking about it wasn't comforting it was torture.
Lee: Just as you continue to imagine a life with him your wife is coping by beginning to imagine a life without him.

For me, the room upstairs isn't empty.


The thing is doctor, yes, I still my wife and my son, and I've also watched both of them lowered into the ground. And when you a loved one buried you have one thought over and over again that you would do anything, anything to get them back. So if you're telling me that the price of seeing them, feeling them, of having them in my life is my sanity that's a price I will happily pay.


Awake Season 1 Quotes

Trust me, when it comes to letting one of them go I have no desire to ever make progress.


Hannah: Are you gonna see him tonight?
Britten: Yeah.
Hannah: Tell him I love him.
Britten: I will.