Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.


Doing the right thing may be hard but it sure as hell isn't complicated.


I'm not good with names. I call them all honey.

Building manager

What does FBI stand for anyway, Famous But Incompetent?


I always know that when someone says “in all due respect,” that the last thing I'm going to get from them is the respect that's due.


"By general law, life and limb must be protected, yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb," Abraham Lincoln. This department is the life, Officer Whitman is a limb.


Jackie: Do you Reagans ever take a day off?
Danny: Not if we can help it.

I became a prosecutor to deliver justice and I'm damned good at it but if you don’t like the way I do it and you want to take me on, you go for it, but don't let the halo fool you cause I like a good fight.


Erin: We're making a condolence call to Anne Cleary.
Danny: Slash reinterview. Erin's my beard.

Balls is knowing the cost and going ahead anyway.


Choir boys rarely witness major crimes.


Seems the rats and pigeons are safe and secure for the night. Move on.
