Linda: I'm going to need to see those ticket stubs.
Frank: My thought exactly.

I play hard but I don't play dirty.


The soul of the city is not a line item in the budget.


Kelly: You're putting kids in harm's way.
Frank: These kids live in harm's way. We're trying to do something about that.

The ambulance chaser who's going to be questioning you for the deposition has one thing on his mind and it ain't justice, it's money.


Because there are two Reagans on the job and I feel that it's my duty to let you know when they're involved in job related conflict. It's not because I expect you to intervene.


Nothing like 8 hours on her feet and a piece of toast to get a girl going.


He just threw a punch and you just happened to walk by at that moment.


Danny: Sounds like some guys over there beating on her.
Linda: Or she just turned up the volume on Maury Povich.

I guess it's just you and me and the duck.


Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Danny: Sounds like some guys over there beating on her.
Linda: Or she just turned up the volume on Maury Povich.

I guess it's just you and me and the duck.
