Eddie: In a perfect world, all three of those cops could run up a flight of stairs.
Frank: And when you find a perfect world, please send me the address.

Not like I always wanted a son, but one came knocking and I answered the door.


You guys all belong to fraternal organizations, so why can't I? Is it because I'm a woman?


Sid: This is a bad idea.
Frank: It's not a bad idea or a good idea. It's an idea whose time has come. And it arrived on a rooftop the other day, gasping for air and sweating bullets. 50 pounds overweight and wearing one of our uniforms.

Danny: What exactly do you do all day?
Sloane: Exactly what it looks like I do. I sit here and check and recheck forms all day.

Jamie: You're about to become the daughter-in-law of the PC and the former PC. You're just going to have to accept that some people are going to try to use you.
Eddie: For what? To win a softball game?

DA: Consider it done.
Anthony: But it's not done. You running a railroad here, cause that's what I'm hearing.
DA: You wanna talk yourself out of a job?

Anthony: Sam, Ms. Johnson's gonna be charged with murder. So if you got any proof she didn't do it, I suggest you tell me now.
Sam: She didn't do it. And I gotta do my homework.

Abigail: A cop that can't go up a few flights of stairs isn't exactly safe.
Sid: That was like a dozen flights.
Abigail: It was four.

The foster mother's DNA on the foster child? That's solid evidence?


Blue Bloods Season 9 Episode 18 Quotes

Abigail: A cop that can't go up a few flights of stairs isn't exactly safe.
Sid: That was like a dozen flights.
Abigail: It was four.

The foster mother's DNA on the foster child? That's solid evidence?
