Frank: Pop, am I missing something?
Henry: I'm totally in the dark.
Erin: It's a long story without a point.
Frank: I love long stories without a point.
Erin: I just don't want to [run for DA]. Can't that be enough?
Frank: If that's really how you feel, it can be.
Erin: Well, it is.
Frank: My two cents.
Erin: I should have known that wouldn't be that.
Danny: That's never that.
Frank: Sometimes an emphatic NO is the last step before jumping in with two feet. Something to consider.

That was fun. I love being yelled at in a foreign tongue and kicked out of places.


Erin: Hello, Daniel.
Danny: What do you want?
Erin: What?
Danny: That's what you say to me whenever I come to your office.

Sid: This one has some nerve.
Reddick: My opinion was solicited and I offered it. That's not nerve. That's how things work.

Frank: Are you always this direct?
Detective: I try to be. I don't like to waste my time.
Frank: Then let me be direct as well. I don't think you're a good fit.
Detective: I can't say I'm not disappointed. Thank you for your consideration and your honesty.
Frank: Most people who like to be direct crumble when they are on the receiving end. You didn't.

Danny: Excuse me, can we see your security footage?
Man: Don't speak English.
Danny: That WAS English.

Danny: I love these.
Baez: Bodega robberies?

Erin: This is a misdemeanor drug charge.
Kim: I realize it's below your pay grade.
Erin: It's below this office's pay grade.

Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 7 Quotes

Danny: I love these.
Baez: Bodega robberies?

Erin: This is a misdemeanor drug charge.
Kim: I realize it's below your pay grade.
Erin: It's below this office's pay grade.