Crisis management's a family tradition.


Domestics are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.


Jamie: You work together long enough either you hate each other…
Eddie: Or we make out on the side walk?

Is this a poem about them taking the M train to Astoria for Greek food?


I run 35,000 cops. I don't run a VIP list. Nobody gets comped.


He's only ever seen me in my uniform. I look like a 12 year old boy dressing up for Halloween.


Everyone's entitled to a private life. A secret life? You're on your own.


You ever try and bite me that will be the last solid food you ever eat, you understand?


Is because encouraging your wife to get plastic surgery while you're running around banging some younger broad would make you look like more of an ass than you already are.


I think beauty is from the soul, besides I'm already smoking hot.


If I was smart I wouldn't be doing this.


I need someone I can trust and someone who is capable. I'm not asking. It's an order.


Blue Bloods Season 4 Quotes

We decline to charge suspects every day. Many of them are guilty but you still need evidence.


Jamie: I thought I was just another cop.
Frank: You are. You're also a lawyer and you'll understand the why of this more than most.