I'm fiscally responsible, but sexually out of control


I love Orginia and so does our staff.


You know Stella, you're the best thing in my life.


I understand, we all need our secrets.


(to Jonathan) For what its worth, I read your first book - I'm not Jewish, but I liked it.

Cop friend

It's a good thing to stay in the dark about things - it keeps life interesting.


Jonathan: Sal, I'm scared.
Sal: That is okay. All fighters are scared, but once you get into the ring, you are like a God.
Jonathan: But I'm agnostic.
Sal: I'll say a prayer for you.

to quote Machiavelli, "there aren't any dirty tricks, just winning and losing".

Lewis Green

Stella: Want to vaporize some more pot?
Jonathan: I want to vaporize you.

My whole body is vibrating like a tuning fork.


(Talking about her vaporizer) And it's healthy because it's invisible vapor.


You gotta make a sandwich. Your hands are the bread and your face is the meat. You gotta protect the meat.


Bored to Death Quotes

Men face reality. Women don't. That why men need to drink.


I've always been intrigued by Stockholm Syndrome. Make me think of my childhood.
