What's Holt's expression right now? Would you describe it as 'proud daddy?'


Are they totally shocked? Is Kelly like 'what just happened?'


Jake: C.J. will just tell everyone the truth.
Keith: No he won't, I bought him off.

Jake: You said you were kidnapped for real.
C.J.: Well, I don't want people to think I was fake-kidnapped.

We make a scary hostage video where it looks like we're going to kill C.J.


I'm sorry Madeline for everything. Especially for pushing you into Michelle Obama from behind and then running away.


Now I know why you refer to this as a suicide squad Peralta. Because I already want to kill myself.


Holt: Should we throw him a parade?
Jake: Yeah! Maybe!

One-two-two! One-two-two! I sound like a damn choo-choo train!


Case goes to the Spice Boys.


I took that thing weeks ago, and I passed! I'm already a lieutenant!


To Terry Jeffords, the ultimate human/genius.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Quotes

I spent my whole life trying to beat David at something. But when you were in danger I just didn't care anymore. All I wanted was for you to be okay. I may never have the mantel, but it doesn't matter. Because I have you.


Amy: So, you think we can laugh about me poisoning you?
Capt. Holt: Yes, I do. Someday. Perhaps over street meat. (chuckles)
Amy: Sir, did you just laugh?
Capt. Holt: Uproariously.
Amy: Oh my God! It's happening!