Angel: Buffy? What's going on? Where are we? I don't remember.
Buffy: Angel?
Angel: You're hurt.
[They embrace]
Angel: Oh, Buffy...God. I...I feel like I haven't seen you in months. Oh, my God, everything's so muddled. I...oh. Oh, Buffy...
[Acathla’s mouth opens and the portal forms]
Angelus: What's happening?
Buffy: Shh. Don't worry about it.
[They kiss]
Buffy: I love you.
Angel: I love you.
Buffy: Close your eyes.
[She stabs him with the sword]
Angel: Buffy...

Buffy: Alright, talk. What's the deal?
Spike: Simple: You let me and Drus skip town, I help you kill Angel.
Joyce: Angel, your boyfriend?
Buffy: Forget about Drusilla. She doesn’t walk.
Spike: There’s no with Dru.
Buffy: She killed Kendra!
Spike: Dru bagged a slayer? She didn't tell me. Hey, good for her!
[Buffy is mad]
Spike: Though not from your perspective, I suppose.

Buffy: I told you, I’m a vampire slayer.
Joyce: Well, I just don’t accept that.
Buffy: Open your eyes, Mom. What do you think has been going on for the past two years? The fights, the weird occurrences. How many times have you washed blood out of my clothing, and you still haven't figured it out?!
Joyce: Well, it stops now!
Buffy: No, it doesn't stop! It never stops! Do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or, God, even studying! But I have to save the world...again.

Angelus: And that’s everything. No hope. Take all that away and what's left?
[He tries stabbing her and she grabs the sword]
Buffy: Me.

Xander: Hi! For those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person. So, this spell might restore Angel’s humanity? Well, here’s an interesting angle: Who cares?
Buffy: I care.
Xander: Is that right?
Giles: Let’s not lose our perspective here, Xander.
Xander: I’m perspective guy. Angel’s a killer.
Willow: Xander...
Buffy: It’s not that simple.
Xander: What? All is forgiven?! I can’t believe you people!
Cordelia: Xander has a point.
Xander: You know just for once I wish you would support me! And I realize right now that you were and I’m embarrassed. So, I’m gonna get back to the point...which is that Angel needs to die.
Giles: Curing Angel seems to have been Jenny’s last wish.
Xander: Yeah? Well, Jenny’s dead!
[A fight breaks out]

Spike: Nice walk, pet?
Drusilla: I met an old man. I didn't like him. He got stuck in my teeth. Then the moon started whispering to me all sorta of dreadful things.
Angelus: What did it say?
Spike: Oh, look who’s awake.
[Angelus hits Spike’s head]
Angelus: What did the moon tell you? Did you have a vision? Is something coming?
Drusilla: Oh yeah. Something terrible...pssst, pssst, pssst, pssst.
Angelus: Where?
Drusilla: At the museum, in a tomb, with a surprise inside.
Angelus: You can see all that in your head?
Spike: No, you ninny, she read it in the morning paper.

Angelus: Hello, lover. I wasn't sure you'd come.
Buffy: After your immolation-o-gram? Come on, I had to show. Shouldn't you be out destroying the world right now, pulling the sword out of Al Franken or whatever his name is?
Angelus: There's time enough. I wanted to say goodbye first. You are the one thing in this dimension I will miss.
Buffy: This is a beautiful moment we're having. Can we please fight?
Angelus: I didn't come here to fight.
Buffy: No?
Angelus: Gosh, I was hoping we can get back together. What do you think? Do we have a shot? Alright. We'll fight.

Kendra: In case the curse does not succeed, this is my lucky stake. I have killed many vampires with it. I call it, “Mr. Pointy.”
Buffy: You named your stake?
Kendra: Yes.
Buffy: Remind me to get you a stuffed animal.
[Kendra hands her the stake]
Buffy: Thanks.
Kendra: Watch your back.

Willow: So we're looking for a beasty.
Rupert Giles: That, uh, eats humans whole...except for the skin.
Buffy: This doesn't make any sense.
Xander: Yeah, the skin's the best part.
Buffy: Any demons with high cholesterol?
[Giles stares at her]
Buffy: You're gonna think about that later, mister, and you're gonna laugh.

Cordelia: So he spit it out? I thought Angel liked blood.
Buffy: He used to.
Willow: Maybe his eyes were too big for his stomach.
Buffy: Or maybe there was something in Gage's blood that Angel didn't like. Say, for example, steroids?
Willow: That would explain all their behavioral changes.
Cordelia: And their winning streak.
Willow: So maybe whatever's in their blood is what's attracting this creature to them.

Buffy: Tell me what's in the steam!
Coach Marin: After the fall of the Soviet Union, documents came into light detailing experiments with fish DNA in their Olympic swimmers. Tarpon...mako shark...but they couldn't crack it.
Buffy: And you did, sort of. Why?
Coach Marin: What kind of question is that? For the win! To make my team the best they could be! Do you understand we have a shot at the State Championship?
Buffy: Do you understand that I don't care? It's over. There's not gonna be any Swim Team.
Coach Marin: Boy, when they were handin' out school spirit, you didn't even stand in line, did ya?
Buffy: No. I was in the line for shred of sanity.
[Coach Marin pulls out a gun]
Buffy: Which you obviously skipped.

Cordelia: Well, all I know is that my cheerleading squad wasted a lot of pep on losers. It's about time our school excelled at something.
Willow: Hmm, you're forgetting our high mortality rate.
Xander: We're number one!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Quotes

Cordelia: You're really campaigning for “Bitch of the Year”, aren't you?
Buffy: As defending champion, you nervous?
Cordelia: I can hold my own.

Buffy: Hi.
Angel: Hi.
Buffy: So, is there danger at The Bronze? Should I beware?
Angel: I can't help thinking I've done something to make you angry. And that bothers me more than I'd like.
Buffy: I'm not angry. I don't know where that comes from.
Angel: What are you afraid of? Me? Us?
Buffy: Could you contemplate getting over yourself for a second? There's no “us”. Look Angel, I'm sorry if I was supposed to spend the summer mooning over you, but I didn't. I moved the living.