Maggie: Oh, careful with the Mom Bong! She’s fragile and one of a kind.
Macy: The what?
Maggie: I found a bong in the back of Mom's closet in the third grade. I didn’t know what it was, but I broke it. I felt so bad, so I made her a new one in art class. Mom loved it. “My 8 year old made me a bong!”

Harry: Remember, the Underworld knows you’re the Charmed Ones and we need you to keep safe. You must call straight away if you see signs of increased demonic activity: abrupt fog, increase in temperature, rapid dog fornication, spontaneous human combustion, presidential tweets…

Maggie: Stop!
Mrs. Vera: Maggie?
Maggie: If you’re really Mom, then you’ll know what I made you in third-grade art class.
Mrs. Vera: How could I forget my 8-year-old made me a bong?
Mel: She got it right, give it to her.
Harry: An imposter gets into your head, that’s how it works.
Macy: Are you really sure it isn’t her?
Maggie: Believe me, I want it to be. But it’s not. I can feel it.

Harry: You really trust me?
Mel: I trust you. I don’t like you, but I trust you.

Macy: About this majority rules thing…
Maggie: Yea, let’s not do it! I mean this is about the Power of Three! Listen to me, being all assertive.

Charmed (2018) Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Harry: Remember, the Underworld knows you’re the Charmed Ones and we need you to keep safe. You must call straight away if you see signs of increased demonic activity: abrupt fog, increase in temperature, rapid dog fornication, spontaneous human combustion, presidential tweets…

Maggie: Oh, careful with the Mom Bong! She’s fragile and one of a kind.
Macy: The what?
Maggie: I found a bong in the back of Mom's closet in the third grade. I didn’t know what it was, but I broke it. I felt so bad, so I made her a new one in art class. Mom loved it. “My 8 year old made me a bong!”