Archer: You're for pallative care now?
Ethan: Sometimes.
Archer: This is an ED. We save people's lives here. We don't end them on purpose.

Abrams: Look, Sharon, if I'm being asked to follow the bread crumbs of her initial symptomatology, I suspect she might have an astrocytoma or a leaking aneurysm. There's no way of knowing without a CT with contrast, but I can assure you that without intervention, her outcome is gonna be a whole lot worse than a limp for a few months.
Ty: I'm sorry, but that sounds so nebulous. I mean, we know exactly what we have to lose or gain with our patient. You're on a fishing expedition.
Abrams: Who is this guy?
Kai: Kai Tanaka-Reid, first year surgical resident. Nice to meet you.
Abrams: You're an intern, Kai. Learn not to spoke until spoken to.

I don't have any control over this disease and what it's doing to my body. I at least want to have control over how I die.

Jenna: Where am I? WHere's my son.
Asher: Jenna, you're in the hospital. You were in a car crash.
Jenna: I don't believe you. You're from the collection agency, aren't you? I told you. You can't have our souls.

Sean: You got old.
Archer: It's been a long time.
Sean: 15 years.
Archer: I would have been here sooner, but it takes a while to get visitation. Um, ,so I spoke to your lawyer and she said something about a plea deal?
Sean: Yeah, she doesn't think we can fight this.
Archer: YOu know what, I'm gonna get you a new lawyer, someone who knows what they're doing.
Sean: It's okay. I'm cool with this.
Archer: You're cool with going to jail?
Sean: Dad, really, it's fine.
Archer: You always do this. Ever since you were a kid, you always gave up too easily.
Sean: Like the way you gave up on me?

$700 a day. Can you believe that? It's like I've been hit by a truck and they're trying to get the little bit of blood I got left.


Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 2 Quotes

Sean: You got old.
Archer: It's been a long time.
Sean: 15 years.
Archer: I would have been here sooner, but it takes a while to get visitation. Um, ,so I spoke to your lawyer and she said something about a plea deal?
Sean: Yeah, she doesn't think we can fight this.
Archer: YOu know what, I'm gonna get you a new lawyer, someone who knows what they're doing.
Sean: It's okay. I'm cool with this.
Archer: You're cool with going to jail?
Sean: Dad, really, it's fine.
Archer: You always do this. Ever since you were a kid, you always gave up too easily.
Sean: Like the way you gave up on me?

$700 a day. Can you believe that? It's like I've been hit by a truck and they're trying to get the little bit of blood I got left.
