Cuevas: I've made a lot of schizophrenia diagnoses, but this is the first time I've had to tell the parents.
Charles: Unfortunately, their reaction is not uncommon.
Cuevas: But how is David supposed to get any help now?
Charles: Exactly.

Blake: I thought Sam told you I didn't want to see you.
Marcel: He did.
Blake: If you've come to apologize -
Marcel: I didn't. I came to thank you for all you taught me. I did a transplant today and it made me realize I have an obligation to continue the work that you started.
Blake: Nice speech, Crockett. Meanwhile, I'm sidelined with this injury.
Marcel: I know.
Blake: When I come back -- and I will come back -- there's no way I'm going to want you on my team.
Marcel: You know, if our roles were reversed and I was the one on the table, I have no doubt you would have made the same call.

Archer: What is the diagnosis?
Charles: Schizophrenia.
Archer: Have you told the parents?
Charles: Not yet.
Archer: I tried to call my son yesterday.
Charles: I didn't know you had a son.
Archer: I lost him 15 years ago to drugs. He's alive, but I don't know where he is.
Charles: I'm sorry to hear that.
Archer: I'm telling you this because I know what it's going to be like for those parents. They're going to remember him laughing and running through the sprinkler, how proud he was when he learned to ride a bike, and they're not going to understand how it's possible that some outside force has stolen that child away.

Choi: Will, you have to back off because of your relationship.
Will: We're not together.
Choi: But you were, and those feelings don't just go away.

Sharon: Who are you talking to these days?
Charles: Me?
Sharon: After all that business with Lonnie, I thought you'd be looking for another therapist.
Charles: Honestly, I haven't had the time. Hey, isn't the Vas-Com trial today?
Sharon: Subject changer.

Dylan: I'm sorry, Will. I brought all this on.
Will: You don't need to apologize to me. My loss is nothing compared to yours.

It is ironic that you managed to sideline the Chief of Transplant, making room for the next rising star.


Scott: You've been shot. We gotta get you to the hospital.
Jo: Dylan... it's not your fault.

Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 1 Quotes

It is ironic that you managed to sideline the Chief of Transplant, making room for the next rising star.


Scott: You've been shot. We gotta get you to the hospital.
Jo: Dylan... it's not your fault.