Funny thing about the truth -- it rarely sets anyone free.


Dr. Rhodes, are you trying to -- what is the expression -- interrupt my flow?

Latham [when Connor tries to disrupt his assignation with a young woman]

Connor: Looks like you're having a good time.
Latham: Ah. Very nice young woman. We're going up to my room. She has an irregular mole she'd like me to take a look at.
Connor: Was that her idea or yours?

Sarah: I'm sorry, Dr. Charles, but I like boxes. None of this makes any sense. It is all so subjective. I hate it. I mean, where's the science?
Daniel: Dr. Reese, every medical discipline, psychiatry included, is as much art as it science.

Will: Okay, no, I wasn't completely honest. I should tell her the truth, right? I mean, we're in a relationship. That should be built on honesty.
Maggie: You asking my advice? Women don't usually appreciate hearing about their boyfriend's feelings for other women.
Will: But it's the right thing to do.
Maggie: Ah?
Will: Isn't it?

  • Permalink: Isn't it?
  • Added:

Robyn: In women, Toxo creates a compulsion to take care of cats.
Daniel: Makes me wonder -- do cat lovers get Toxoplasmosis, or does Toxo make them cat lovers?
Will: Interesting, but not terribly relevant.

Everybody has their time to live. I've had mine. I want to see what's next.


Will: I'm just saying, things were different. Like guys didn't need to tell women every single thing they were feeling. My father never did.
Maggie: Are we still talking about diabetes?

Will: You know, it used to be that if a doctor told a patient to do something, they just did it.
Maggie: You been binging on "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" again?

Will: That a new stethoscope?
Nat: Oh, yeah.. Owen got a hold of the last one, so...
Will: Hey, those stuffed animals are not going to diagnose themselves.

Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Will: You know, it used to be that if a doctor told a patient to do something, they just did it.
Maggie: You been binging on "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" again?

Will: That a new stethoscope?
Nat: Oh, yeah.. Owen got a hold of the last one, so...
Will: Hey, those stuffed animals are not going to diagnose themselves.