You might not believe it but I used to go undercover as a street walker 20 years ago. [Burgess and Lindsay give her a look] Okay 25 years ago.


Burgess: I want to go undercover with Lindsay.
Voight: I don't think it's the right fit, Kim.
Burgess: It's the perfect fit. I know the case, I work well with Lindsay, and I'm the right gender.
Voight: You're too close to this.
Burgess: Like you were too close to Justin?

Lindsay: Harry Klinsman? Chicago PD. We need to talk.
Harry: About what?
Lindsay: Manslut, and what you were doing last night.

Voight: Do you drive a black Audi Q7?
Goldwin: Yeah, you a car guy?
Voight: Only when they're involved in a crime.

Burgess: Sarg?
Voight: Yeah?
Burgess: Thank you for taking this on.
Voight: An attack on your family is an attack on our family.

Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 19 Quotes

Voight: Do you drive a black Audi Q7?
Goldwin: Yeah, you a car guy?
Voight: Only when they're involved in a crime.

Burgess: Sarg?
Voight: Yeah?
Burgess: Thank you for taking this on.
Voight: An attack on your family is an attack on our family.