Casey: Impersonating military officials is a federal offense numb-nuts.
Chuck: Put it on the list.

Jeff: (as Morgan walks in) I smell bacon. Anyone else smell pig?
Lester: I seem to detect the odor of the forbidden meat.
Morgan: Okay, knock it off. Listen to me, guys; we need to apologize to Emmett for blowing the power. Otherwise he is going to can you.
Jeff: Nice try. Get us to apologize so we look like asses, lose all our street cred.

Emmett: Friends... (giggles) I wish people in our line of work could afford friends. That's just one of the sacrifices of upper management!
(He giggles and spins in his chair)
Morgan: Yeah well, Big Mike is my friend, and I never would have betrayed him if you hadn't tricked me.
Emmett: Really? Do all your friends give your mother urinary tract infections? Listen, Grimes. I am offering you a cup of the corporate ladder. Now, I need a new assistant manager. (He leans in) Will you be my "ass man"?

Jeff: You wanna see something really freaky? (They break into Casey's locker) Dude keeps a Chuck diary.
Lester: Bathroom visits. And duration.
Jeff: Keys, duct tape, high-grade chloroform.
Devon: Whoa.
Jeff: From one stalker to another, I'm impressed.
Devon: You guys think this has something to do with Chuck missing?
Lester: I don't care.
Jeff: No clue. You mind if I, uh, get right? (He takes a hit of chloroform and passes out)

Beckman: The safety of the Intersect is no longer my main concern. I want you to hunt Agent Walker and the asset down. Bring them back, dead or alive.
Casey: Understood, General.
Beckman: Once the Intersect is in our possession this mission will be over and you will have your pick of assignments. Your country thanks you, Colonel Casey. Congratulations. You've earned it.

(Seeing surveillance of Devon locked-down in his apartment) I hate this whole family!


Stephen: There is one request.
Roark: Anything that won't inconvenience me is fine. I don't care.
Stephen: Leave my family alone.
Roark: You say I'm not invited to the wedding?
Stephen: How did you know?
Roark: I'm involved in a major conglomerate of bad guys. Few details escape me.

Lester: I mean, people, do you have any idea what working with fried food would do to my complexion?
Jeff: I can't leave the Buy More. I won't survive in the real world. I'm institutionalized.

Chuck: Most girls only get four Cs with the ring, but my Jill she got five: Cut, Color, Clarity, Carat and Chuck!

Sarah: You're 100% sure you want to go through with this?
Chuck: More like 45, maybe...maybe 30.

Casey: Chuck's dad. Where is he?
Jill: I don't know...exactly. But I do know someone who might know where they're holding him.
Sarah: Who?
Jill: My Uncle Bernie.
Casey: That better not be a joke because I don't have a sense of humor.

Casey: What do you call your move, anyway?
Chuck: What move?
Casey: The girlie pose I saw you in. What do you call that?
Chuck: The Morgan.
Sarah: The Morgan?
Chuck: He invented it in high school when girls were beating him up. You kind of duck a little bit, protect the know, your face and... (Gestures at groin)

Chuck Season 2 Quotes

Alex [dressed as stripper]: I understand one of you has been a naughty, naughty boy.
Lester: Me, oh my God, pick me, I'm so bad, I've been bad, I've been bad, I'm a bad person, I'm a terrible person.
Jeff: I broke eight and a half commandments on the way to work this morning

General Beckman: I wanted to have a private word with you... pardon the intrusion
Chuck: On this moment or my life in general?