Cole: This is gonna get ugly. What level is his pain tolerance?
Sarah: I'd say about a one outta ten.
Chuck: What? A one? I'd say, I'm at least at an eight.
Sarah: Chuck, the torture hasn't started yet.
Chuck: This is the pre-torture? Okay, okay, put me down for a one.

Chuck: Hey, morning. Aren't we missing a house guest?
Awesome: (to Ellie) Honey, Honey. It'll be okay. (To Chuck) Your boy dropped trou last night.
Chuck: Excuse me?
Awesome: The bearded buffoon sleeps au naturel. Which I respect. Just not on my couch.
Chuck: Appetite gone. I am so, so, sorry.

(Chuck's cellphone rings)
Ellie: Chuck. That's Sarah. Don't you want to answer it?
Chuck: Oh, you know, I'm gonna see her later anyway, so.
Awesome: Yeah. Sometimes you got to play hard to get. Cold and detached is a very powerful aphrodisiac, babe.
Ellie: So is abstinence. You want to try it?
Awesome: Not getting involved.

(about Cole) We don't have much time here, Walker. So get to his room, get his belt off. Make it a quickie.


Casey: General, we have a situation; I need a surveillance from a NASA satellite.
Beckman: What's going on, Agent Casey?
Casey: Fulcrum's captured the asset; I suspect he's being tortured.
Beckman: Dear God, he'll never last.

Chuck: Sarah I saw it, I know what's on the chip.
Sarah: What?
(Chuck nods)
Cole: Uh, sorry mate, it's a bit difficult to put my fingers in my ears right now.
Sarah: It's okay, Chuck.
Chuck: I'm on it, it's me.
Sarah: Okay, we can't let Fulcrum ever find out, no matter what they do to you; you cannot tell them.
Chuck: I can't...can't handle torture, Sarah, you see all those syringes over there; you know how I feel about needles.
Cole: Don't worry about torture, I'll incite them, get them to kill us quick.
Chuck: Interesting plan.

Come on, Casey, you're're always up for a good mugging.

Chuck: Ellie, Awesome, I have made a very important decision. I'm moving out.
Ellie: Oh, yes!
Chuck: And moving in with Morgan.
Ellie: No!
Morgan: Oh, yeah. Video games and nudity all day and all night...
Sarah: (knocking on the door and entering) Oh, I'm sorry. (to Chuck) Can I talk to you for a second? It's kind of important. (They leave together)
Morgan: Talk about your third wheel...

Morgan: It's just a shame that Chuck couldn't be here. Although, I'm pretty sure he's probably enjoying his own delicious little meal right about now. And of course I mean Sarah Walker.
Devon: Yeah, if he hasn't broken up with her yet.
Morgan: Uh, why on God's green earth would he ever, ever break up with Sarah?
Devon: Ask Ellie. It was her idea.
Morgan: Really?
Ellie: What? He said that he didn't think she was the one.
Morgan: There are a few precious things I know anything about in this world. Chuck's one of them. Believe me, Sarah's the one.
Ellie: How do you know?
Morgan: How do I know? It's-It's all over the kid's face. When Chuck is around Sarah, he is the Chuck that we always dreamed of. The-The Chuck that has the potential to do anything in the world.

Morgan: Hey, Chuck. I was thinking that, you know, maybe Ellie seeing me naked was actually a blessing in disguise.
Chuck: Not for her it wasn't.

Chuck: Exactly, and that's why I think we should break up.
Sarah: Is that what you really want?
Chuck: Yes it is.
Casey: Great. Most annoying romance of my life is finally over.

Sarah: We have to go into 24 hour protective detail until further notice.
Chuck: What exactly does that mean?
Sarah: It means we can't break up and we have to move in together.

Chuck Season 2 Quotes

Alex [dressed as stripper]: I understand one of you has been a naughty, naughty boy.
Lester: Me, oh my God, pick me, I'm so bad, I've been bad, I've been bad, I'm a bad person, I'm a terrible person.
Jeff: I broke eight and a half commandments on the way to work this morning

General Beckman: I wanted to have a private word with you... pardon the intrusion
Chuck: On this moment or my life in general?