Silver has taken the Valley, now he's putting together the pieces to take everything else. You may have found the will to fight, but you're outmatched and outnumbered. Silver is on the verge of getting everything he's ever wanted.


I've seen the best fighters in the Valley. Keene. Moskowitz. Diaz. I believe you have more potential than any of them if you're ready to be a leader.

Silver [to Kenny]

Guys, enough! You're both ex-assholes now. Great! Can we focus on the task at hand?


Amanda: To beat a monster, maybe we need a monster.
Chozen: I can be monster.
Amanda: I bet you make a great monster, but in this case, only one monster fits the bill.

Hector: This is strange. I feel like we've met somewhere before.
Miguel: I don't think we have.
Hector: Maybe you're a stranger, but tonight you're family.

Daniel: I don't want to attack him. I want to expose him.
Chozen: To catch Serpent, you must think like Serpent. We will use his style against him.

I know I haven't been there for you, Robby. More times than I can count. But I've also failed Miguel. Hell, I'm the reason he ran off in the first place. I'm out here trying to fix my mistakes, so I don't have to live with the regret of making them. If you're serious about making things right< you can start by helping Miguel. I know you have your fair share of regrets when it comes to him.


There are places that he can be naked that aren't our backyard.


Silver: I have a plan that will make cobra Kai and karate as synonymous as Starbucks and Coffee.
Chozen: And what is this plan?
Silver: That's something I only feel comfortable revealing to my second in command. If you'll have the job.

Before Cobra Kai, I used to get picked on. Now, I'm' stronger than I've ever been. I'm never quitting because I'm not a quitter.


Hey, I know you can handle yourself, but don't tell me the best place for Kenny is Cobra Kai.


Hector: people will always come after what's yours. They want you to sleep with one eye open. I can't even go back to my home in Ecuador. Can you imagine?
Miguel: what happened in Ecuador?
Hector: Success. Success happened. That woman I told you about? I was practically your age when we got married. Don't ever make that mistake. She couldn't stand me doing my business. Her mother was even worse. They tried to fuck with me, a successful man! The corrupt sons of bitches in Ecuador, they did the same. And you know what I regret? Nothing.
Miguel: Nothing.
Hector: That is the cost of doing business. That is the cost.

Cobra Kai Quotes

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!