Clare: Let me go under, Peter. I don't want to be here anymore.
Peter: I'm not going to do that.
Clare: Well then you're brainwashed, too.

No. I think this is better. I prefer you as you are now.

Emily P

I don't know Clare, but we run, or we are dead. Now listen, I never gave you an ultimatum. I never said your cause or me because I knew what you would choose. But I'm leaving tonight with Spencer, and I want my family to stay together. So, you tell me, what's it gonna be?


Spencer: This will be done soon. We'll be free forever. We'll get to be us.
Clare: And then what?

I killed my other with my bare hands, used her like a game piece, and these others look at me like I'm some kind of a hero for that. We're not really the heroes.


That was Ian. He's close. I'm sorry it had to be him. He's the only one I trust.

Emily P

Whoever Shadow was she was definitely close to Quayle. There were documents that came directly from his department, his desk even.

Emily A

I wonder if there's a moment in all of this when I wasn't being exploited.

Howard A

It was like walking through a perfect reproduction. It was a miracle. His world was impossible to differentiate down to the most minute detail. And that was the problem. It was exactly the same. If this experiment was to have any impact, something drastic had to be done.


Yanek: I used to bring you here.
Mira: It wasn't me you brought. It wasn't here you brought her.

Who cares about the collective good? The East if fucking dead now. What I'm saying is the animalistic instincts have won out. One side will always win out.

Yanek Alpha

Yanek Prime: Yanek, I was thinking. You haven't really lost him. There are things we can share.
Yanek Alpha: My son is dead.

Counterpart Quotes

Howard, why do you think I brought you in on this? For your great tactical skill, your great knowledge of this whole fuckin' thing? I need to pretend to be you, take Baldwin out myself.


I have a new book. 'You, you, only you exist.'
