You call in sick the day they gave sensitivity training?

Garrett [to Holly]

Why don't you just send up smoke signals? What's the name of your gang? Probable Cause?

Ben [to Sultan]

What the fuck is wrong with you white people?

Sultan [to Ben]

Ben: There's no way I'm going to pick that guy out on my own.
Sultan: Still can't tell us beaners apart.

Do me a favor. Keep an eye on Katie.

Ben [to Garrett]

You want to become 'Jefe de Plaza'? Show some self-control from now on.

El Catrin [to Dante]

Ben: You're not asking me to find a needle in a haystack. You're asking me to find a needle in a pile of needles.
Sultan: It's not my problem, migra. Figure it out by morning.

Ben: I'm going to make a lot more time, I'm going to be there for both of you.
Katie: Do you, like, have cancer or something?

Remember this feeling, Dante. If you ever spill blood in my home or go after the pregnant woman without a direct order from me, you and I are going to have a problem.

El Catrin [to Dante]

Coyote Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Ben: I'm going to make a lot more time, I'm going to be there for both of you.
Katie: Do you, like, have cancer or something?

Remember this feeling, Dante. If you ever spill blood in my home or go after the pregnant woman without a direct order from me, you and I are going to have a problem.

El Catrin [to Dante]