Finn: The bastard is going to do it to another girl.
DB: We take our victims as they come.

DB: I hate it when a suspect blows a hole in a perfectly good theory.
Nick: Professor Laudner?

DB: Ah, Professor Laudner, thanks for coming down.
Professor: Didn't seem like I had a choice.
DB: You didn't, have a seat.

DB: Help us out, give us what we need to rule you out and these pictures will get buried in the evidence vault. [looks at Brass] We can do that right?
Brass: Yeah.

Greg: It's Pete's phone
Nick: Think this is Pete's killer?
Greg: [holds up phone] I think we got a strong connection.

Maybe someone pushed this kid over the edge.


CSI Season 12 Episode 17 Quotes

Greg: It's Pete's phone
Nick: Think this is Pete's killer?
Greg: [holds up phone] I think we got a strong connection.

Maybe someone pushed this kid over the edge.