(voice over) Today I keep up the pretense. But soon, maybe tomorrow, Miguel will know exactly how I feel. Because finally there's an emotion I don't have to fake. Today I feel something real.


(voice over) It's not Freebo's blood. It's not even human. It's bovine, cow's blood. He's been using me the whole time. I didn't create a monster, I was used by one. He... used... me.


Miguel: Dex, this is the nature of a real friendship. We're gonna disagree, and when we do, we just go our own ways.
Dexter: No, no more individual projects.
Miguel: Individuality is what makes America great, man.
Dexter: I don't think that's what our forefathers had in mind.

Deb: (About King) Looks harmless, doesn't he?
Dexter: They usually do.

Dexter Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Deb: (About King) Looks harmless, doesn't he?
Dexter: They usually do.

Miguel: Dex, this is the nature of a real friendship. We're gonna disagree, and when we do, we just go our own ways.
Dexter: No, no more individual projects.
Miguel: Individuality is what makes America great, man.
Dexter: I don't think that's what our forefathers had in mind.