Never be cruel, and never be cowardly, and if you are, always make amends.

The Doctor

River: How are you even doing that? I'm not really here.
The Doctor: You're always here to me. And I always listen. And I can always see you.
River: Then why didn't you speak to me?
The Doctor: Because I thought it would hurt too much.
River: I believe I could have coped.
The Doctor: No, I thought it would hurt me. And I was right. {Kisses} Since nobody else in this room can see you, God knows how that looked.

I'm The Doctor. I've lived for over 2,000 years and not all of them were good. I've made many mistakes and it's about time I did something about that.

The Doctor

Oh the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?

Warrior Doctor

Oooooh... It's good I'm Scottish. I'm Scottish. I am Scottish. I can complain about things. I can really complain about things now.

The Doctor

It means, Mr. Grail, just you wait til my husband gets home.

River Song

The 10th Doctor: All those years, burying you in my memory.
The Doctor: Pretending you didn't exist. Keeping you a secret, even from myself.
The 10th Doctor: Pretending you weren't The Doctor, when you were The Doctor more than anyone else.
The Doctor: You were The Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get it right.
The 10th Doctor: But this time...
The Doctor: You don't have to do it alone.

Good evening. I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife.

Madame Vastra

The Doctor: Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to die today.
Boy: Davros. My name is Davros.

Tea, but the strong stuff. Leave the bag in.

The Doctor

The Doctor: Human souls. Trapped like flies in the World Wide Web. Stuck forever. Crying out for help.
Clara: Isn't that basically Twitter?

The Doctor: When then you are a time traveler, there is one place you must never go. One place in all of time and space you must never ever find yourself.
Clara: Where?
The Doctor: You didn't listen, did you? You lot never do. That's the problem. The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. It's been discovered. That's not what's been found. No no no, that's not what's been found. He was talking about my grave. Trenzalore is where I'm buried.
Clara: But how can you have a grave?
The Doctor: We all do, somewhere out there in the future, the trouble with time travel is you can someday end up visiting.

TV Fanatic tracks quotes for Doctor Who. That's right, we have an entire Doctor Who quotes page that spans multiple episodes and multiple seasons. Heck, it even spans multiple Doctors (they regenerate don't you know) and different companions and companions companions. Sometimes the Doctor Who quotes are funny and sometimes the Doctor Who quotes are inspirational. There are even intellectual Doctor Who Quotes and Doctor Who Quotes that will make you scratch your head. The main idea here is that you can find every type of Doctor Who quote on this page. If you discover a Doctor Who quote is missing, you can contact us and we'll add that bad boy right into the Doctor Who quotes page so you never need to look elsewhere for your favorites again. We take this seriously. Really. So drop by any time and get the best quotes from Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman and all the rest of the characters who have brightened our days for so long all the world over. Right her with Doctor Who quotes!