I love my family but they also drive me completely insane. I want more. More of the universe. More time with you. You're like the best person I ever met.


The Doctor: She wasn't even a threat. She was dying anyway.
Robertson: Ah well, then it's a mercy killing.
The Doctor: I don't see any mercy in you.

Spiders are roaming this hotel, searching for food. We're going to lure them in here with the promise of food. Then deal with the spider mother in the ballroom. Ah, that sounds like the best novel Edith Wharton never wrote.

The Doctor

What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with this country? Why don't you do what normal people do, get a gun, shoot things like a civilized person?


...in the end, every living thing has the same instinct. To come back home.

The Doctor

Do you know the worst thing? Bits of this is leaking out above here. It's in my kitchen. My husband's right. It's a conspiracy. Do you have any idea how annoying it is when my husband's right?


Robertson: You are not authorized to go in here!
The Doctor: Dude, I have all the authorization I ever need. [to Yaz] I call people 'dude' now.

Robertson: You're not going down there. It's too dangerous.
The Doctor: I eat danger for breakfast. [to Yaz] I don't. I prefer cereal. Or croissants. Or those little fried Portuguese... never mind. It's not important.

Robertson: You're not going down there. It's too dangerous.
The Doctor: I eat danger for breakfast. [to Yaz] I don't. I prefer cereal.

Yaz: So what do we do?
Robertson: Why are you asking her?
Ryan: Because she's in charge, bro.
Robertson: Says who?
Ryan, Yaz, Graham: SAYS US.

  • Permalink: SAYS US.
  • Added:

The Doctor: You can't be President if you fired Yaz's mum.
Najia: Najia.

  • Permalink: Najia.
  • Added:

Robertson: I am Jack Robertson and this is my hotel, just one hotel in an incredibly successful chain of hotels which is just one small part of my business portfolio as featured in Fortune Global 500. Does that ring a bell?
The Doctor: Should I look impressed right now? Is that impressive?

Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 4 Quotes

[to Yaz] What? You actually have friends? [to Ryan] She paying you?


Robertson: Frankie, we're family, right? I mean, you're my... what are you again?
Frankie: I'm your niece's wife, sir.
Robertson: Exactly.