If the federal government wants to get in my bed, they sure as hell better buy me dinner first.


For the love of God, I've defended murderers who have had an easier time staying out of jail.


I didn't become a judge so I could back down from a threat.


Before you know it, you're Johnny Applesperm?


If I wanted to eat raw fish, I'd go to the ocean and open my mouth.


To our wedding, I won't be wearing white.

Terri [to Luke]

Maybe Thomas French is a Russian spy, or in the mob, oh, or a female impersonator in witness protection. That would be really fun at the wedding and make a great movie!


I need you to be my fiancée, not my nurse.

Owen [to Jane]

It turns out Luke got us floor seats from someone named Nicki Min-age?


Just what the world needs, more shallow babies with perfect teeth.


Jane: Disney princesses make you cry.
Stacy: That's because they're all orphans.

They say it looks like...a vagina.


Drop Dead Diva Season 4 Quotes

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.
