You need anything? Beer? A Hug?


Zane: The DoD says to take your balls and go home Major.
Major: So it does.

I vote we stop it, lots of buttons! Lots of buttons!


Zane: How do you know about secret passage ways around GD? You and Carter been playing security guard and sexy cat burglar?
Allison: My lips are sealed.
Zane: Thank god!

Henry: You might want to keep your hands in your pockets
Jack: Great safety tip

Jack: I'm moving balls with my mind!
Henry: There has to be a better way to say that, but yes.

Fargo: You can't let them take it, please.
Allison: Why not?
Fargo: Because Holly's still in there.

Henry: The experiments are unorthodoxed.
Jack: Lab-rat Carter at your service, count me in

Eureka Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Fargo: You can't let them take it, please.
Allison: Why not?
Fargo: Because Holly's still in there.

Henry: The experiments are unorthodoxed.
Jack: Lab-rat Carter at your service, count me in