I was wearing your stupid rosary around my neck as a joke, and then, when I went to bed, it attacked me.


David: The Church is taking UFOs seriously?
Marx: The Church takes every scientific advancement seriously.

David: Does the Vatican believe in alien life?
Father Katagas: The Vatican believes in what exists, and if it does exist, does it change the question of original sin?
Ben: How so?
Father Katagas: If there other beings, could they be free of original sin? Would they not even be aware of what it was? Or are we missionaries, asked to share the gospel as we did with indigenous people in the new world.
Kristen: Look at how well that turned out.
Father Katagas: Yes, it's an easy perch to occupy with your ability to buy what you want, eat what you want. Please, give your property back to the indigenous people. It's an easy thing to do, give your deed to someone who lived here originally. Look into landback.

Kristen: Why are you becoming a priest?
David: Now, there's a segue. [long pause] My mom had me baptized. My dad thought it was idiotic. His life was art and sex. Her life was prayer and mass. I was drawn more to my dad's life. I followed up until, I guess, five years ago?
Kristen: Julia?
David: That's when I knew science didn't really explain life to me. It was like having an instruction manual about how to put together a bike, but when the bike was put together, it didn't explain the bike. Science is best used as science, not as philosophy or religion. That's when I was drawn back to my mom. She seemed to understand.
Kristen: What? Understand what?
David: People do bad. People are bad. They try not to reveal it because Americans are obsessed with purity. They can't even let on that something is wrong, and there's only one solution.
Kristen: Jesus?
David: No. Forgiveness. People apologizing.

Kristen: Don't be a priest.
David: Why?
Kristen: Because I'll miss you.
David: I'll still be here.

Evil Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

David: The Church is taking UFOs seriously?
Marx: The Church takes every scientific advancement seriously.

I was wearing your stupid rosary around my neck as a joke, and then, when I went to bed, it attacked me.
