It's OK. Whatever it is, God forgives.


Kristen: Earlier tonight, I was on my way to kill him.
David: No you weren't. [Kristen uncovers the pickax]
Kristen: Can you hear confessions, David, right after you're ordained?
David: I can. Do you have something to confess?

Sister Andrea: This is a map of 60 demonic houses. All houses of Satan going back 60 decades.
David: OK.
Sister Andrea: They're like family crests, and each house needs to ensure its line of succession before the master of one house dies, he must guarantee a successor.
David: How does he or she do that?
Sister Andrea: He needs to be consumed, eaten.

Sister Andrea: This is from last week.
David: What was that?
Sister Andrea: A tail.
David: Oh my God. Why am I doing this? I wanted things to be normal! This is crazy!
Sister Andrea: No, David. Normal life is crazy. This is how things really are! [David grabs the booze and leaves]

Ben: Tell me, how do you plan to handle this whole celibacy thing?
David: [chuckles] Delicately. [sexual vision]

Renee: Can I ask you something, David? Are you doing this for yourself or for my sister?
David: Both.
Renee: Make sure you're doing it for yourself, only for yourself. The life is too hard.

Gregory: Do you know why there's no infestation in abandoned houses?
Ben: Because there's no one there to notice them.

Go get ordained.


David: Sister, when did you take your vows?
Sister Andrea: When I was 19. Why?
David: And you never wanted a family or children?
Sister Andrea: This isn't helpful.
David: Sister, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing to spend my whole life without a wife, without children, to be alone? Are you... alone?
Sister Andrea: No. I didn't want children.
David: But?
Sister Andrea: There was a man who fell in love with me... Look, David. I have a gift like you have a gift. A door has been opened up to us, and it comes with some responsibility. But when you're in Plato's cave and you break the restraints and you turn to the light, you can't go back.

So you leave the church instead of trying to change it.


David: You don't think they'll ask why I want to be a priest?
Sister Andrea: This isn't a cruise director interview; this determines whether you'll be ordained or not. It's a given you want to be a priest. Or is it?

Kristen: And what's your creed?
Graham: Do what you want, unless it hurts someone. If someone presents themselves as your adversary, destroy them, and look for rewards now, not after. Satan. All glory.
Kristen: Destroy them. How?
Graham: Not in any way that would break the laws of the United States.

Evil Season 2 Quotes

We cannot fall for a word that comes out of that fucker's mouth.


Marx: This came to us directly from the Cardinal. He has a new parishioner, a good man. He's been giving generously to the church, and he finally confessed why. In his youth, he allowed himself to become possessed.
Ben: Allowed himself?
Marx: Diabolical subjugation. He voluntarily submitted.
Ben: Pfft. To the devil?
David: In exchange for...