Marie: Thank you, for hearing me. I'm sorry about last night. I'm just scared, Aaron. I don't want to lose you.
Aaron: Oh, you won't. Not ever.

Yo, you're like a superhero in here, you know? Invisible man, Luke Cage, I can't believe you're not in here anymore.


Judge Wright: Well done, Mr. Wallace. I didn't know you would be practicing.
Aaron: I am.
Judge Wright: Well then I'll see you again.

Scottie: You can't fight me on everything.
Aaron: I won't. Only on the things that matter to me.

I gotta say I love the idea of us working full-time. I don't think it's selling out if that's your concern.


Spencer: What about the broader issues in the criminal justice system?
Aaron: I ain't going to solve those.
Spencer: But we can put a dent in them.

Aaron: You know they were all cheering for me when I walked out?
Marie: No one has ever did what you did. You know that, right?

For Life Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Spencer: What about the broader issues in the criminal justice system?
Aaron: I ain't going to solve those.
Spencer: But we can put a dent in them.

Aaron: You know they were all cheering for me when I walked out?
Marie: No one has ever did what you did. You know that, right?