Henry: Have you come to tell me you no longer want to work with me in the field?
Jo: No, Henry but if we’re gonna do that you need.
Henry: ...To be less careless.
Jo: Yes, absolutely, but that’s not what I came here to say. Henry, you and I - we’re not so different. We’re both a little guarded. A little screwed up. Maybe a lot screwed up. and we both have killed people. It makes you feel like you have to make up for it somehow and we have to solve every case. Maybe throw yourself in front of a few cars to make sure that bad guy doesn’t get away, but it doesn’t work - none of it.
Henry: I didn’t have to kill him. I shouldn’t have but I did and that's something I’m going to have to live with.
Jo: Forever. Me to. Can I tell you something Henry? for me, you make that a little easier. I just, I want to be able to do the same for you.

Committing fully to the protection of another can often engender a kind of paradox. In doing so we are tempted to put ourselves at risk. the very thing most likely to cause pain on those we are trying so desperately to keep pain from.


Oliver: Thinks he’s pretty smart, does’t he?
Jo: Yeah a bit like someone else.

Hi val, remember me? I'm not here to redecorate.


Well, if it isn't Abe the knave.


Jo: Listen, you said you're ready to come back. Is that true?
Henry: Yes.

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Kevin: What the hell's wrong with that guy?
Jo: Good question.

Dad, please. I'm going to report for duty. This is my decision.


There is a risk any time we venture into the unknown. Any time we are compelled for whatever reason to push away the safet, familiar, family and home.


Forever Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Dad, please. I'm going to report for duty. This is my decision.


There is a risk any time we venture into the unknown. Any time we are compelled for whatever reason to push away the safet, familiar, family and home.
