Baim: You have to work things out. You and Bobby the only other couple that Neil and I can stand. Every marriage goes through rough patches.
Gwen: Not yours!
Baim: I threw a frozen veal chop at Neil's head last week.

Gwen, if I didn't think the two of you were a perfect match, I would tell the guy to go take a hike, I promise you. There is a real sense of humor in his work, a real joy, but sophisticated like Chaplin. Like Verdon!


Gwen: You're not gonna cast yourself in this show, are ya?
Bobby: Eh. If they let me. I'd take your part.

Bobby: Then why did you come?
Gwen: Because you said you were going to down a bottle of Seconal.
Bobby: Maybe you should have let me.

Bobby: I couldn't think without you, you understand? I wanna come home. I'm outta business without you. I wanna...
Gwen: You skipped a section, Bob. There's the part where you swear it didn't mean anything. You were lonely, drinking too much, working too hard.
Bobby: I'm in love with her.
Gwen: Oh, no you're not.
Bobby: Yeah.
Gwen: With the translator? With the German girl?
Bobby: That doesn't change the way I feel about you, and I don't see why it should.

Gwen: Maybe I should find a lover, too, then. How about that?
Bobby: That's not your style.
Gwen. No, of course not.
Bobby: You're stronger than I am.
Gwen: Oh, up yours.

Bobby: Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings yesterday. It's a complicated situation.
Gwen: Oh, I can't do this, Bobby.
Bobby: You can't do what? You knew I was MARRIED. You KNEW I was married.

Bobby: What do you want from me? I'm, I'm... The only thing I wanna do, the ONLY thing I want to do is be with you. Do you hear what I'm saying?
Gwen: [crying uncontrollably] I'm sorry. But I can't take away-
Bobby: Hey.
Gwen: -- a dying woman's husband.
Bobby: [whispering] I love you. I wanna buy you the moon and the stars, you understand? You're everything. I'm in love with you. You know I love you. You're everything I want.
Gwen: [whispering] I'm sorry.
Bobby: [whispering] Hey, hey. Don't do that. Don't do that. [Gwen wipes it away and leaves] I can fix it. I can fix it.

Bobby: How much more fun can this fucking musical take. How much more bullshit does the audience have to get shoved down its throat?
Gwen: How about another baseball number?
Bobby: I'd rather gouge my eyes out.

Gwen: But they want fun.
Bobby: It is fun. Listen.
It's a song about pain. Bobby, listen to the lyrics.
They're not gonna hear that. They're not gonna hear anything. They'll be too busy lookin' at you, and you'll be smiling so wide, you'll be dancing so magnificently. They'll think it's a musical, but you'll know, and I'll know. That's what we do, isn't it? We take what hurts and we turn it into a big gag, and we're singin' and we're dancin' and the audience, they're yukkin' it up. They're laughin' so hard they don't realize that what they're laughin' at is a person in agony. A person who's peeled off his own skin. I can make this work.

Fosse/Verdon Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Gwen, if I didn't think the two of you were a perfect match, I would tell the guy to go take a hike, I promise you. There is a real sense of humor in his work, a real joy, but sophisticated like Chaplin. Like Verdon!


Baim: You have to work things out. You and Bobby the only other couple that Neil and I can stand. Every marriage goes through rough patches.
Gwen: Not yours!
Baim: I threw a frozen veal chop at Neil's head last week.