I've watched you boys tear each other apart at the expense of your clients all week. Turn my courtroom into a dinner theater. And now you expect me to introduce your encore?


I've never been concerned about size, Peter. We went over that when we dated.


Alex: Do I have to wear the nut hugger shorts.
Karp: I didn't design the uniform.

Bash: So your bras fell off, your panties fell off. Not impossible your engagement ring...
Franklin: ...somehow slipped off with everything else and ended up in the girls' workout bag?

Bash: How was it really any different than any other book club meeting?
Ms. Elliott: We don't usually get naked and do tequila shots off each others breasts.

But a lot when on that night Ms. Elliott. I mean your first girl on girl kiss can be confusing. Lots of fuzzy feelings...

Franklin: Yeah, we didn't talk the entire summer Peter was at jazz camp.
Bash: Rock camp.
Franklin: With clarinets?

By the time we're done every milfy housewife and cougar's going to be lining up around the block to take lessons from you again.

Bash: That's ridiculous, your Honor. They have no prior records.
Franklin: And their six inch stilettos make flight risk nearly impossible.

Well girls, our job is no different than yours. We're here to get you off.

Franklin & Bash Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Bash: That's ridiculous, your Honor. They have no prior records.
Franklin: And their six inch stilettos make flight risk nearly impossible.

Well girls, our job is no different than yours. We're here to get you off.
