Ross: (Mumbling due to swollen tongue) Thumrthel, thubrthel thbhrth!
Chandler: (To Joey) You understood that?
Joey: My uncle had a really big tongue.
Chandler: Is he the one with the really beautiful wife?

Ross: I just wanna thank you for being there for me today. And I'm sorry I, I almost broke your hand.
Monica: That's ok. I'm sorry I poisoned you.

Chandler: (On pay phone) Come on, pick up, pick up! Hello? Transit Authority? Yes, hello. I'm doing research for a book, and I was wondering what someone might do if they left a baby on a city bus. Yes, I do realize that would be a very stupid character.
(Hands phone to Joey)
Joey: Hi, here's the deal. We lost a carseat on a bus today. It's white plastic, with a handle, and it fits onto a stroller. Oh, and there was a baby in it. (Hands the phone back to Chandler) He wants to talk to you again.

Monica: Is your tongue swelling up?
Ross: Either that or my mouth is getting smaller.

Ross: I hope Ben has a little sister.
Monica: Yeah. I hope she can kick his ass.

Becky: So what are you guys out doing today?
Joey: Oh we're not out. No, no. We're just uh, two heterosexual guys, hanging with the son of our other heterosexual friend, doing the usual straight guy stuff.
Chandler: You done?
Joey: Yeah.
Robin: Oh, there's our stop.
Joey: Get outta here. This is our stop too.
Becky: You guys live around here too?
Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. We live in the building by the... uh... sidewalk.
Chandler: You know it?

Friends Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Ross: I hope Ben has a little sister.
Monica: Yeah. I hope she can kick his ass.

Becky: So what are you guys out doing today?
Joey: Oh we're not out. No, no. We're just uh, two heterosexual guys, hanging with the son of our other heterosexual friend, doing the usual straight guy stuff.
Chandler: You done?
Joey: Yeah.
Robin: Oh, there's our stop.
Joey: Get outta here. This is our stop too.
Becky: You guys live around here too?
Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. We live in the building by the... uh... sidewalk.
Chandler: You know it?