Walter: Even if we were able to transfer your consciousness safely inside Gene, there are matters to conisder.
William Bell: We would commuicate through my brain waves. You'd hook me up to an EEG machine and decipher my thoughts.
Walter: It could work. But still, I'd have to milk you.
William Bell: Well, we could asign Astrid.

Lincoln: If Dana Gray is stealing people's souls as they die...
Peter: Then why is she so committed to saving lives?

William Bell: She only wants to take the souls of those people who are already preapred to surrender her own.
Lincoln: A compassionate soul vampire.
William Bell/Walter: Yes!

William Bell: Now, Olivia's brain can accommodate my consciousness for several weeks, before would anything happen to her.
Peter: Weeks? Not a chance.
William Bell: And, I am confident Walter will find a more stable home, long before that.

I understand that this could take some time getting used to. Imagine how I feel, I never knew that a bra was so binding.

William Bell

Fringe Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

William Bell: Now, Olivia's brain can accommodate my consciousness for several weeks, before would anything happen to her.
Peter: Weeks? Not a chance.
William Bell: And, I am confident Walter will find a more stable home, long before that.

I understand that this could take some time getting used to. Imagine how I feel, I never knew that a bra was so binding.

William Bell