You should get that. I think the 70s are calling.


Why should I expect that because you and I are back together that everything is going to be fine and that the world is going to live up to my every expectation?


Forty percent of all the information you provided is not correct. Which as far as the tenth floor is concerned means you are not the agent they licensed.


Olivia: When the day comes, if I don't remember this, I want you to try and build something with me agaon. Don't give up on me. I love you Nina.
Nina: I love you Olive.

Well, my mother used to say, encourage the quest of courage in your children, even if it takes them very far away from you.


Nina: You have so much in your life, Olive. Are you just going to let that disappear and be replaced by - what? Memories of a life that you didn't live?
Olivia: Yes.

As much as she wanted to be, she wasn't in love. As I was listening to her, I realized what she was saying. She had let go of the possibility of being in love, of finding love, and I could see myself in her and I didn't like who I was. All of these memories and feelings I'm experiencing, they are from a better version of me, and I've decided to let things run their course.


I went beaver hunting in eastern Canada in the 70s. Of course, in those days, beaver hunting meant something else entirely.


I didn't tell anybody it was happening because if Peter was going to be with me I didn't think about the consequences, I just didn't care.


Walter: I admire you Peter.
Peter: Why is that Walter?
Walter: I told you what the right thing, ethically, was to do. Leaving Olivia. But I don't believe I would have been able to do it myself.

Nina: As for your feelings about Peter, all wounds heal over time.
Olivia: I just wish it would move a little quicker.
Nina: Well, that's a coincidence, because we just filed a patent on that last week.

I'm in love with Peter. I know it sounds absurd, and to you I hardly know him but, it's like I've known him my entire life. And everyone, including him, keeps telling me it's impossible.


Fringe Season 4 Quotes

You know they did a study on sarcastic people, and they get more illnesses than other people. Something to do with negative energy.

Robert Danzig

Fauxlivia: You know, being you and living your life, only me more homesick for my universe.It must be hard to develop trust in people when all you've got is yourself. It must be terribly lonely.
Olivia: Just because you have walked in my shoes, don't you think for a moment that you know me.
Fauxlivia: Yeah, keep telling yourself that.