Bender: And now a man who needs no introduction...
(long pause)
Bender (hissing): Fry, get up there!

Professor Farnsworth: And this is my universal translator...unfortunately so far it only translates into an incomprehensible dead language.
Cubert: Hello.
Universal Translator: Bonjour.
Professor Farnsworth: Crazy gibberish!

Cubert: Why do I have to be the hump?
Fry: 'Cause you're to ugly to be a wart.

Now I'm not saying Professor Farnsworth is old, but if you consider his age he's likely to die soon.


Good news, everyone! The university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges! Wait, that's not good news at all.


Leela: He trusted me with his ship. He wouldn't trust the rest of you from his dentures.
Amy: (with Farnsworth's dentures in her mouth) Yes he would.

Futurama Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Farnsworth: Thank you all for saving me. Especially you, my little clone. No matter what you decide to do with your life, I'm still proud of you.
Cubert: I've already decided. Dad, when I grow up I wanna be just like you.
Farnsworth: Don't worry, son, you will. Incidentally, you might want to read up on a condition known as "wandering bladder".
Cubert: Why?
Farnsworth: No reason. No reason at all.

Guardbots: Seize them!/Seize them!/Seize them!/Seize them!/Seize them!
Guardbot: Get them! I mean, seize them!