Stan: Oh, you're going to have your hands full.
Ruby: What are you talking about?
Stan: When I go away.

Ruby: So you're totally okay with all this?
Beth: What?
Annie: You know, actual book club.
Beth: I mean, what about you guys?
Annie: Well, kinda miss the money.
Ruby: Not gonna lie.

Beth: How do you think he's going to do it? Without us?
Ruby: Oh, I don't know. There's always some idiot willing to do something stupid for money.

I took it all out.

Ruby [to Annie]

Annie: You know if Beth would have suggested this, you would have been all in.
Ruby: Like I'm some kind of yes man?
Annie: Ruby, want to rob a grocery store? Sure, Beth! Hey, Ruby, want to drink some gasoline? Yeah, sounds yum, Beth. Pour it in my mouth!
Ruby: Okay, you know what.
Annie: But of course, when I come up with a sound solution -
Ruby: Oh, you mean this or up an elephant ass?
Annie: Yes! I put two viable options on the table and all you had to do was choose one.
Ruby: You know what? You're right. You're not Beth. You never will be. You know what you are?
Annie: Please.
Ruby: You're a child. You do whatever you want, whatever you want without thinking about anyone else but yourself.

Ruby: Here's a question. How did they even know about the pills?
Beth: Or exactly where to look for them?
Ruby: And just for the record -
Beth: You don't have to go there.
Ruby: I didn't say a word.
Beth: No one's accusing you.
Ruby: But I mean, someone said something.

Turner: Lot's clean.
Noah: They knew we were coming.

Good Girls Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Ruby: So you're totally okay with all this?
Beth: What?
Annie: You know, actual book club.
Beth: I mean, what about you guys?
Annie: Well, kinda miss the money.
Ruby: Not gonna lie.

Stan: Oh, you're going to have your hands full.
Ruby: What are you talking about?
Stan: When I go away.