Malika: What are you doing here?
Isaac: I hate my life without you. I love you and I want to be with you, just us like it was before, I mean if the offer still stands.
Malika: I can't do this right now. I'm starting a new job in the morning and I need time to think.

Gael: I heard you made a choice.
Davia: I did.
Gael: And are you happy?
Davia: I am.

Callie: You promised me you wouldn't lie to me again.
Kathleen: I didn't lie. I omitted facts that until now were not relevant.
Callie: Don't try to litigate me.

Malika: Isaac showed up last night out of the blue. He wants to get back together and be monogamous just like I offered before he left. I know you probably think I should feel grateful that he's willing to give me a second chance after everything.
Davia: No, not at all. You don't have to be grateful just because a man loves you. You have every right to explore what you want and need.

Malika: I'm so sorry that I hurt you.
Isaac: I'm sorry that I left, but I'm back, here, to be with you. I miss you a lot.
Malika: I miss you too. So much. But Isaac, I moved on. I have other relationships I'm invested in. I love you, and I want to always be a part of your life if you'll let me be.

Callie: Lately I look in the mirror and I just don't know who I am anymore. It's not where I thought I would be.
Mariana: Where did you think you'd be?
Callie: Not here.

It was amazing to see you laughing today and excited about the food truck and the fact that you went to the children's ward it all made me realize that you're ready to live again and it also made me realize that you don't really need me anymore and need was the foundation of our relationship. You were broken, and I was intoxicated with the idea of saving you, but you saved yourself. And there is a big difference between being needed and wanted, and I want to be wanted.


Mariana: Do you always answer a question by asking another question?
Joaquin: I thought we were just having conversation.
Mariana: OK, nevermind. You're obviously into playing games.

Gael: How's that going?
Dennis: She was right. I need to get my shit together, but when I do, who knows what is meant to be.

Davia: I'm not confused about Dennis anymore. I know what I want, and I want you... Am I on mute here?
Matt: No, it's just I had some time to think here, and I've seen you with Dennis. I really believe that you don't want to still be in love with Dennis, but I'm just not convinced that you're not. And I don't want to be your rebound guy. I care about you so much that I don't want to set myself up with you to get my heart broken. And if I'm honest, I want someone who doesn't need to take weeks to figure out if they want to be with me. I want someone who just knows.

Callie: I've been thinking about how I can be a little my way or the highway and I've held everyone up to this black and white standard, but I think we all really just exist in the gray. I guess what I'm trying to say is I've learned that sometimes when you represent a client you have to do things you don't feel good about, and I judged you for that with the Onway situation, and I betrayed your trust, and I'm sorry.
Jamie: I have also learned that betraying your personal ethics isn't always justified even in the pursuit of representing a client and that sometimes you need someone who keeps you accountable.

Jamie: I still love you, you know.
Callie: I still love you, too. I can't keep jumping from one relationship to another. I need to figure out who I am and what I'm really doing.
Jamie: Yeah, I understand. I support you with that. I got my own soul searching to do.
Callie: I've been like is all of this as good as it gets for me? You know. Maybe it's not. Maybe I can have the moon and the stars if I just find the courage to reach for them. Maybe to do that I need to make some big life changes.
Jamie: How big?
Callie: Big.

Good Trouble Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Gael: I heard you made a choice.
Davia: I did.
Gael: And are you happy?
Davia: I am.

Malika: What are you doing here?
Isaac: I hate my life without you. I love you and I want to be with you, just us like it was before, I mean if the offer still stands.
Malika: I can't do this right now. I'm starting a new job in the morning and I need time to think.