Nate: What the hell?
Raina: Nate. I'm sure you know Jack.
Nate: Yes, unfortunately I do. But why do you?
Jack: I'll be in touch to discuss details. {to Nate} I should have known you'd still be dining on my nephew's leftovers.
Nate: You brought in Jack Bass?

Raina: You must be Jack. Thank you for getting here so quickly.
Jack: It was nothing. Your father and I go way back. Which won't stop me from inviting you to have this little chat somewhere more comfortable. Like your hotel room.
Raina: I see the Bass family resemblance.

Cyrus: So. Here comes the future princess! Now. What does that make us I wonder.
Blair: Well. As of now, nothing. In choosing me, Louis gave up his succession rights.
Eleanor: Well fortunately we are here to throw you an engagement party so hopefully we can fix that.

Charlie: When I was little Sour Patch Kids were pretty much my best friends. Them and books.
Dan: Books? Me too. What was your favorite.
Charlie: I could try to be cool and make something up, but if I were honest... Flowers in the Attic. My copy literally fell apart.
Dan: Really? What was it that you loved most, exactly? Was it the gripping tale of teen incest or just the general fine quality of the prose?

Vanessa: You didn't need to have your cousin make me look like a crazy, jealous bitch to Dan.
Serena: Oh you don't need any help with that.
Vanessa: She said I manipulated her to ruin Rufus' business dinner. You're telling me that innocent cousin Charlie came up with that by herself?
Serena: I'm saying you probably did whatever she said you did. If Charlie's fighting back, good for her. She's learning.

Chuck: So I thought I'd bring some luxury across the river. Brooklyn needs it. It's all bars, bakeries and babies. No hotel in sight. Charles Place. You up to attend the ribbon cutting?
Nate: No thanks.
Chuck: Still pissed I lied to Reina about my father?
Nate: It was a big lie. Even for you.
Chuck: That's why I'm stepping out from under his dark shadow and away from the Bass name.
Nate: Whatever you want to call yourself or your hotel, you're still the same person.

Good morning, Sleepyheads. Looks like "dream until your dreams come true" wasn't such a good idea after all.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 21 Quotes

Chuck: So I thought I'd bring some luxury across the river. Brooklyn needs it. It's all bars, bakeries and babies. No hotel in sight. Charles Place. You up to attend the ribbon cutting?
Nate: No thanks.
Chuck: Still pissed I lied to Reina about my father?
Nate: It was a big lie. Even for you.
Chuck: That's why I'm stepping out from under his dark shadow and away from the Bass name.
Nate: Whatever you want to call yourself or your hotel, you're still the same person.

Good morning, Sleepyheads. Looks like "dream until your dreams come true" wasn't such a good idea after all.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 21 Music

  Song Artist
One In the World Tapes n Tapes iTunes
Sensitive Kid Cold War Kids iTunes
Drinks On the House (As Heard On New Amsterdam) Daniel May iTunes