This is quite the gathering. You have to love Gotham. People are always pointing guns at each other.


Yeah, people are dumb. Plants are better. You can trust them.


I'm not taking the virus. I won't become a monster.


Lee, please, please, in the name of all that is holy and not insane, tell us where he is.


I'm going to free Jim and show everyone who he really is.


Alfred: What has he done to you?
Bruce: He has lifted the burden of my past, revealed my true destiny. Gotham must fall by my hand.

Bullock: Don't move a muscle.
Strange: Obviously, I surrender.

Shaman: Are you ready to embrace your destiny, Bruce?
Bruce: Yes. Gotham must fall.

This detonator will trigger the bomb. Thousands will be affected with the virus. The city will be torn apart. And out of the ashes, a dark hero will rise. you.


Riddler: Eh, Butch. I knew that your hand was made of lead, not that your brain was as well.
Butch: Cute.
Riddler: Thank you.

What we saw today, them executing their own? They're zealots capable of anything.


Gotham Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

Riddler: Eh, Butch. I knew that your hand was made of lead, not that your brain was as well.
Butch: Cute.
Riddler: Thank you.

What we saw today, them executing their own? They're zealots capable of anything.
