[narrating] Every surgeon has a shadow. And the only way to get rid of a shadow,is to turn off the light. To stop running from the darkness, and face what you fear. Head on.


Meredith: I know there's a ring.
Derek: What?
Meredith: The Chief told me. I know there's a ring.
Derek: You want the ring? Here's your ring. (Smacks it with his baseball bat into the distance, throws the bat on the ground and walks into the trailer)
Meredith: Is that the best you've got? 'Cause I'm not bailing, we're in this together.

Meredith: DEREK SHEPHERD YOU ARE DRUNK! And you're angry, and I've been there so I get it. But that does not give you the right...
Derek: Just go home Meredith.
Meredith: You don't get to just stand here and tell me.
Derek: This is what you want, I'm giving you an out. Go.
Meredith: I'm not going anywhere.

Meredith: Oh, Ok. So you're just quitting?
Derek: You should understand better than anybody else. You wrote the book on quitting. Running, hiding, you've written a lot of books Meredith.
Meredith: That may be true. But I'm here now.
Derek: Oh, hmm, you're here now? Haha. You've wanted me out since the day I moved in.
Meredith: That is not true.
Derek: Because you're incapable of anything that resembles commitment. You lied to me, you said you were healthy. That you were healed. There's no fixing you, you're a lemon.

Meredith: You cleaned all of your clothes out of the closet at the house.
Derek: Go home Mer. Just go home.
Meredith: Well, how long are you planning on hiding out here? Because that's what you're doing. You're hiding. You made a mistake, she's dead and you can't hide from that.
Derek: I'm not hiding. I'm done. I'm done operating.

Lexie: Yes, the odds are against us. I'm a one woman wrecking ball, all I do is break you. Your hand, your penis, your relationships, your life. I'd say our survival rate is about 3 percent. And that's, that's, that's bad. But, it's not nothing. And I don't think we should give up on this. At least not yet because...
Mark: (puts finger to Lexie's lips)
Lexie: Okay.
Mark: You think you broke me little Grey? You're the one that put me back together.

Richard: I know I have no business asking you for anything, but I need your help. I need you to bring Derek back. And he's not fine.
Meredith: Sometimes people just wanna be left alone.
Richard: He's planning to propose. He's been carrying around a big ring for weeks. That's not a man who wants to be left alone. I just thought you should know.

Owen: What are you doing?
Cristina: Assigning myself to a trauma with you tomorrow.
Owen: Cristina.
Cristina: You know, I'm a big girl. I can handle my share of trauma, and I get to decide when I've had enough. It's gonna take a lot more than a bad dream to scare me off.
Owen: It's more than a bad dream.
Cristina: I know.

Alex: I know you like teaching and that's great, but you need to start treating real patients, with real surgeries. Because once they see you as weak, it's over. And Izz, you can be a great surgeon. We could be great together. You just, you gotta stop screwing around. Because I don't wanna be the future of this hospital if you're not there with me. Okay?
Izzie: Okay.
Alex: (walks away)
Izzie: ALEX!
Alex: What?
Izzie: (kisses him)

Alex: Iz! they said I could do the distal anastomosis on my own.
Izzie: That's awesome!
Alex: That's crazy. They just told me I could be the future of this hospital. That I'm the resident to watch. And that's... I mean... I'm not the kinda guy who. I don't rise okay, I sink to the bottom. And now I'm getting all this, all this respect. And you... you gotta, you gotta stop wasting all your time with this patient X crap.

Lexie: I learned a lot today. Diagnosing a patient from beginning to end. So, thank you for teaching us.
Izzie: What would you say? To patient X. How would you... How would you break the news?
Lexie: Um, I would say that I was very sorry, and that there were support groups. Th... I ... I don't know. What do you say to somebody whose, whose gonna...
Izzie: You say, they have a choice. They can runaway and hide from it, or they can face it. You say they need to be around the people who love them, because it's gonna be the toughest fight of their life, and no one should have to do it alone. And then you give them the odds. And even though a 5 percent survival rate is bad, it's really bad. You say.... you say....
Lexie: Screw the odds! People die of the hiccups. My mother died of the hiccups. Survival rate for that is what... 100 percent? The odds are that she should be alive right now. The odds are... The odds are crap! So people should face it and they should fight. Maybe not those words.
Izzie: No. Exactly those words. Thank you doctor Grey.

Izzie: Good job everybody.
Intern: That's it?
Intern: After the last contest, we got a prize.
Intern: Yeah, what's our prize?
Izzie: You think every time you diagnose a patient and hand someone a death sentence, there's a prize? The prize is, you didn't screw it up this time. The prize is, you people actually did something right. The prize is, you were doctors today. You were doctors. That is the prize!

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 17 Quotes

Alex: Dude, he is fried.
Meredith: He is not fried. He lost a patient, and got hit with a law suit all in one week. He just needs time.
Alex: He's been sitting there for 3 days. The sofa cushions are gonna start bonding to his ass, and he's eating all my cereal.
Izzie: He's taking stock. Something huge and life altering happened to him and he's taking stock. Figuring out his next move. We shouldn't judge him, we shouldn't rush him.
Alex: Whatever. Sylvia Plath's picking out all the marshmallows. Their the best part!
Lexie: And I'm pretty sure he's sitting on my keys. I'd ask him to move, but he looks so comfy.
Meredith: You guys are cowards!

[narrating] Every surgeon I know, has a shadow. A dark cloud of fear and doubt, that follows even the best of us into the OR. We pretend the shadow isn't there. Hoping that if we save more lives, master harder techniques, run faster and farther, it'll get tired and give up the chase. But, like they say, you can't outrun your shadow.
