[narrating] "The fantasy is simple. Pleasure is good, and twice as much pleasure is better. That pain is bad, and no pain is better. But the reality is different. The reality is that pain is there to tell us something, and there's only so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomach ache. And maybe that's okay. Maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams."


RICHARD: "Dr. Sloan?"
MARK: "Dr. Webber!"
RICHARD: "What are you doing in Seattle?"
MARK: [pauses] "I don't know... I have a thing for ferryboats."

PRESTON: "Dr. Stevens! You coming or going?"
IZZIE: [pauses] "I'm not sure. You?"
PRESTON: "I'm not sure either."

"I hate the bride thing. I hate the pictures in the magazines of the girl with the veil... and the flowers that she's sniffing. Like it never occurred to her to put her nose in there until there was a camera pointed at her. I hate the idea of bridesmaids... and the colors... and does the bustle make my ass look bigger or smaller. I hate the whole thing and I never wanted to be that girl. That girl is stupid... shallow. Why the hell is that girl sauntering through my head?"


ALEX: "Does it hurt?"
IZZIE: "Yeah."
ALEX: "Where does it hurt?"
IZZIE: "Everywhere..."
ALEX: "Maybe it hurts for a reason."

MEREDITH: "Enough! This is not dating. I want moonlight, and flowers, and candy, and people trying to feel me up. Nobody is trying to feel me up. Nobody is even looking at me. I'm an intern, do the two of you have any idea how much effort it takes to do all this? I am waxed and plucked and I have a clean top on. And the two of you are looking at each other."
DEREK: "Meredith..."
MEREDITH: "No, my fantasy is not two men looking at each other."
FINN: "We didn't...."
MEREDITH: "No talking until one of you figures out how to put on a date. I want heat! I want romance! Damn it, I want to feel like a freaking lady!"

MEREDITH: "What exactly is going on here?"
DEREK: "He's crashing our date."
FINN: "Well, where do you think I got that idea?"
DEREK: "I didn't crash your date, it was professional."
FINN: "You can't operate without her?"
DEREK: "I certainly operate well with her."

FINN: "Strawberry ice cream. A patient of mine made it."
DEREK: "Don't you mean your patient's owner?"

GEORGE: "I'm not ready to move in together!"
CALLIE: "Well, if you weren't such a toddler and used your words, then I would say 'Oh, that's funny, me neither. I'm looking for a place, I'll be out in a week.'"

MEREDITH: "Megan? Oh... hi."
ADDISON: "Weren't you just up on 3?"
MEREDITH: "Well we lost a patient, a little girl. And I was just trying..."
ADDISON: "Why don't you pick a floor and stay on it and I'll pick a floor and stay on that becuase I really need a moment or two without you. Your face pops up in my head and your panties show up in my husband's pocket, really, you're everywhere, and I need a moment or two without you."
MEREDITH: "I get that."
ADDISON: "Thanks."

"I can't believe this! She has two dates and I have a wife."


[about Meredith] "She's dating everyone with a pulse and I'm trying to get Burke out of the bell jar."


Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

FINN: "I was in the neighborhood. Well, really I wasn't, but you are worth the detour."
MEREDITH: "I had a dream about you last night."
FINN: "Was it a good dream?
MEREDITH: "It was."
FINN: "What was I doing?"
CRISTINA: "Yeah, Mer, what was he doing?"

DEREK: "Hey."
MEREDITH: "Hi. I had a dream about you last night."
DEREK: "You did? What was I doing, bringing you coffee?"
MEREDITH: "You were definitely not bringing any coffee. But coffee is good."