Hank: Pretty excited about being let go.
Nick: Oh yeah, I had to stop him from yodeling.

Renard: Rats dine on beloved teacher.
Nick: That's a little cold.
Hank: Guess who came to dinner.

Hank: I haven't had that much fun since that drunk threw up on me at the Christmas Party.
Nick: Wasn't that Sergeant Wu?

Eddie: Last time I protected someone for you, it was not a pleasant experience. How is that guy, by the way, were they able to sew his arm back on?
Nick: Uhm, I don't think he's going to be beating anybody up with is again.

Wu: I guess they're gonna have to face the music.
Hank: Really? You went there?
Wu: Somebody had to.

It's funny if you knew it was there.


Grimm Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Wu: I guess they're gonna have to face the music.
Hank: Really? You went there?
Wu: Somebody had to.

It's funny if you knew it was there.
