Zoe: Who knows, maybe you'll find something that you like in life other than cars and beer?
Wade: You really think I'm that shallow?
Zoe: I'm sorry... And naked women.
Wade: Thank you!

You said you wanted "cured sausage"


My God, did you just give me the compliment sandwich. Where is he?! GEORGE TUCKER get your butt out here! What is going on here? Are you dumping me again?


[About Shelby] It started as a one night thing, then it became a two night thing... Now it's a every night thing... You're right, it's not my brain making these decisions.


[About Zoe] She's like the Mayor of pound town and City Hall is open all day!


You're Wade Kinsella, I am pretty sure you know how to piss a woman off.


Did you say startled or scarred? Because seeing you and Shelby... Wow.


Oh, hi Mr. Mayor. Don't mind me, I'm just testing the limits of my waterproof mascara. Yep, there it is. Good to know for the future.


Zoe: You really put yourself out there, I was so scared that it wouldn't work and that we wouldn't have anything in common that I kind of sabotaged it. But the thing that I realized was that I like you Wade Kinsella. I really like you. And who knows maybe there's a chance you and I could be happy together. But we'll never know unless we try.
Wade: What are you saying?
Zoe: What I'm saying is that would you maybe consider being my for real out in public, everyone knows about actual boyfriend?

Ruby: I suppose I am [the love of Lavon's life]. It's destiny. Poor Lemon, it must be so hard for you to hear about my happiness since this is the first Christmas you're having since being left at the altar.
Lemon: You don't know what you're talking about Ruby Jefferies, in fact you don't know anything at all. You aren't the only person that Lavon ever loved!

Lemon: Ruby, Merry Christmas.
Ruby: Likewise. though I don't know, the Holidays can expose the emptiness in ones life.
Lemon: Me? No, I'm dating someone actually. You remember him? He's the guy that chose me over you.
Ruby: The dentist?
Lemon: Orthodontist.
Ruby: Oh good, maybe he can give you a free session to fix that underbite.
Lemon: You are just such a riot!

Tansy is short for Lemon. Crazy, southern ways.


Hart of Dixie Quotes

If that line ever works for you, tell that poor girl to come to my office so I can dispense her some medicine.


Okay, we don't get ticks in New York City. Kind of like how you guys don't get movies not made by Michael Bay.


Hart of Dixie Music

  Song Artist
Song Hold On Wilson Phillips iTunes
Good Girls Go Bad Cobra Starship iTunes
Susanna Trickbag iTunes