How'd I get surrounded by such crazy and irrational women?!


I will be having sex tonight and enjoying my own liberation


The house I'm living in smells like icy hot and cruelty


I see right through your donut Gainey, there's a hole!


Dating a Gainey in Bluebell is almost as bad as dating a Florida State fan


(to Zoe) every conversation we've had about boys always ends up me telling you one thing and you doing another


Luckily for you Zoe, I feel too bad for you to be mad.


What if made the biggest mistake of my life and let the right guy go?


Zoe: I was complimented, I was flirted with.
Lavon: Or maybe because you combed your hair.

Lemon, come with me. I'd like to talk to you about a little thing called oxytocin.


Zoe: I spoke with psychic last night
Lavon: I wish you would have spoke to a psychiatrist

George, I have my own cursed tragic love life to deal with.


Hart of Dixie Quotes

If that line ever works for you, tell that poor girl to come to my office so I can dispense her some medicine.


Okay, we don't get ticks in New York City. Kind of like how you guys don't get movies not made by Michael Bay.


Hart of Dixie Music

  Song Artist
Song Hold On Wilson Phillips iTunes
Good Girls Go Bad Cobra Starship iTunes
Susanna Trickbag iTunes