Barney: Are you saying evil plan?
Quinn: Hells to the yes!

I was gonna say, and now the gentlemen bump fists. How long you been holding back that one?


I don't think I can do normal anymore.


Fine I'll fill her in and I am so angry I am not even going to make a joke about filling her in, which I did three times last night. Self five!


Don't say that whore's name in front of our baby!


Lily: I was once with a dude who couldn't even fantasize about a three-way. He was all, ooh she's your best friend!
Robin: What now?

Patrice: You seem so down today Robin, I made you cookies.
Robin: Patrice, stop smothering me!

Baby you're like twenty slutty chicks rolled into one.


How I Met Your Mother Season 7 Episode 19 Quotes

Patrice: You seem so down today Robin, I made you cookies.
Robin: Patrice, stop smothering me!

Baby you're like twenty slutty chicks rolled into one.
