Laurel: Sam dying was his own fault.
Wes: Nate's in jail now and what we're doing to him is...What if I was wrong about her the whole time?

Ophelia: Anna Mae!
Annalise: My sorry ass husband may have been a cheater and a low life, but he saw me why I am this way.
Ophelia: That man understood nothing.
Annalise: Sam knew exactly what happened to me, the minute I stepped into his office. Everything! He said this thing that happened to me, what you ignored, is why I am the way I am.

Bonnie: Why'd you lie to me about Sam? I asked you to your face what happened and you said you didn't know.
Frank: We're not doing this while you're wasted.
Bonnie: She told you not to tell me, right?
Frank: Do you blame her?
Bonnie: No. But it's why I can't go up there.

Ophelia: Anna Mae, did you do it?
Annalise: Do what?
Ophelia: Kill Sam. You can tell mama. God is the only judge.

I wiped your ass and I will call you anything I want.

Ophelia [to Annalise]

So, she's no Annalise.


Ophelia: Clients? Don't you know a VIP when you see one.
Bonnie: VIP?
Ophelia: Your boss came out of my V and her daddy's P, so show a little respect for her mama.

You're not going to get away with this, Annalise. Not if you keep avoiding the police. Hannah's smart. She loves Sam too much not to solve this. And I know why you want to protect them, but they're sneaking off all the time to talk. You didn't do this. They did. Don't let them ruin you.


Annalise: Here's the thing Mr. Walsh. You're not gonna trust me, that's just not in your nature. But you can stop worrying because and you might have forgotten this, but I'm your only option here. Without me, you'll go to prison.
Connor: That doesn't mean we won't end up there.
Annalise: No, it doesn't. But the odds are better with me.

Laurel: They didn't find anything.
Asher: What did you think they'd find? The bloody knife Annalise hid under her mattress? Our boss would be a better killer than that yo.

Leo: Annalise, you're a single lady now. Call me if you get lonely. What? Chocolate and Italian wine always pair well together.
Annalise: My husband was just found murdered, Leo.
Leo: Yeah and you don't seem to sad about that.
Annalise: Maybe I'm a good faker.

Whatever you say to the police, can and will be misconstrued to support the prosecution. So when in doubt, shut your mouth.
