Lyla: What you got for me?
Doug: I did some digging regarding your earlier inquiry about Dale’s relations with Kelly Craft. They were, in fact, carnal.
Lyla: Ugh, shit. I won’t be able to live with my mother if she’s right about this.

Margot: Allison didn’t have any friends.
“Lennon”: She had me.
Dylan: We all saw how there for her you were,
“Lennon”: Are you legit shading me right now?
Dylan: Oh, everyone knows you didn’t give a shit about her.
“Lennon”: You have no idea what I felt about my sister.
Dylan: Yea, I do because I loved her. And you knew it, that’s why you fucked me that night. You fucked me to fuck her. And I fell for it. Now, she’s dead and I’ll never fucking forgive you.

Margot: I know you love me. And I love you too.
Lennon: If you knew me at all, you’d know that I don’t give a single flying fuck about you.

Allison: What if I don’t want to be her anymore?
Bruce: You can’t be “Allison,” unless you want to go to jail. You’d have to start over someplace where no one would know who you were. And then you’d always be hiding something.

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Lyla: What you got for me?
Doug: I did some digging regarding your earlier inquiry about Dale’s relations with Kelly Craft. They were, in fact, carnal.
Lyla: Ugh, shit. I won’t be able to live with my mother if she’s right about this.

Margot: Allison didn’t have any friends.
“Lennon”: She had me.
Dylan: We all saw how there for her you were,
“Lennon”: Are you legit shading me right now?
Dylan: Oh, everyone knows you didn’t give a shit about her.
“Lennon”: You have no idea what I felt about my sister.
Dylan: Yea, I do because I loved her. And you knew it, that’s why you fucked me that night. You fucked me to fuck her. And I fell for it. Now, she’s dead and I’ll never fucking forgive you.